Saturday, August 17, 2013

Anti Social Adventure

I have wonderful friends.
Many of them are even IRL!
I have a few in particular that i talk to every day, at least a call or an online chat, but very often, several times a week, i get quality time and fun with them. i have several friends that i see when schedules allow, and absolutely LOVE every moment in their presence

I have a husband too! He's fun, smart, and cute.

I have family within 3 hours, and a church where we have activities where I'm with amazing folks all the time.

But SOMETIMES all that appeals to me is my own company.
My perfect day is me, my Discworld or Dresden Files audio books, and my crafting station. A little gardening, and working on some new illustrations while not wearing pants.
Sounds great, right?
It is.

for as long as I remember, being alone hasn't bothered me. I'm good at being single, I love living in new places, and having that invisible feeling, where a smile and a nod when I'm in public is the only interaction I'll get all day. I never thought I'd be in the life I have now.

One day, I realized I'd gotten myself in a long term relationship, and had been in an area longer than 2 years! When? What? Huh?

I was gonna be that weird old lady, probably going in an RV cross country, reading palms, or selling hand thrown pottery, and then wandering back to my little house, to enjoy the peace and quiet. that's the life I was looking forward to, so maybe its still in my mind, when I look to the future. Now I see buying a house, paying attention to my credit score, volunteering in the community, and never being invisible again.
It's not a bad life. i enjoy a lot of it. It just wasn't my plan.

So today I sit in my living room, putting my list together for while my guy is out, and planning how I can bask in the silence and the space. It makes me a better person, and it keeps me grounded, so I feel fulfilled and not resent the life and the loved ones I have now. I'm so thankful for what I have and where I am, and I'm lucky that the people who love me understand when I don't pick up the phone, it's not personal.

I'm a lucky girl.

A lucky girl who just happens to price a lot of RVs.

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